Dr. Sargolzaei will present the progress and research findings of RANCS research group at ITS World Congress 2022 on Wednesday 09/21/2022 3:00 pm at Exhibit booth #451 (U.S. DOT CDA Program).
The title of presentation is “Testing and Verifying the Security of Connected and Automated Vehicles“.
Overview: Commercial motor vehicles equipped with cooperative driving automation (CDA) can improve safety, prevent crashes, and increase efficiency. However, in addition to the vulnerability of sensors (e.g., GPS, Lidar, Radar, cameras) and software (e.g., CARMA), CDA relies upon communication which introduces an additional attack vector for an adversary to exploit. Therefore, there is an immediate need to test and verify their security to improve their safety. This project seeks to test the safety and security of CDA for use with commercial vehicles under faults, failures, and cyberattacks in a unique vehicle-in-the-loop environment. Using the testing framework, we can identify and demonstrate the vulnerability of existing CDA and develop secure techniques that ensure safe operation, even while under attack.