

Graduate Students

A funded Ph.D. position is available in the Resilience, Autonomous, Networked Control System (RANCS) Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. Students will participate in hands-on projects related to a funded project. The student is expected to conduct research on one or more of the following areas:

  • Development of Connected and Automated Vehicles
  • Testing Safety and Security of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle systems.


  • Strong Hands-on Experience with autonomous vehicle or unmanned aerial vehicles related projects.
  • Strong background in controls, and applied mathematics.
  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree with major/specialization in mechanical, electrical, and controls.
  • Strong MATLAB and/or Python programming experience and familiarity with ROS.
  • To be available to start the program in Fall 2023.

Application Process: Interested candidates should email Dr. Arman Sarglzaei at a.sargolzaei@gmail.com with the subject line “Ph.D. Position – RANCS-FTA”, and include the following:

  • Detailed curriculum vitae.
  • Academic transcripts (unofficial transcript is acceptable).
  • Copy of prior publications (if any).
  • List of courses taken in controls, security, modeling, and applied mathematics.
Undergraduate Research Program

The RANCS research group always seeks talented and motivated undergraduate students who get involved in research to get numerous benefits. RANCS research group director starts his research in the second year of his undergraduate study while he worked on research projects at Amirkabir Polytechnic University (Tehran Polytechnic) which allowed him to be a good professional along with being an excellent researcher. Early research experience allows undergraduate students to get ready for both industrial positions and also motivates them for continuing their graduate studies. RANCS research lab cutting edges projects increase both hands-on and research skills for undergraduate students as well as graduate students. This also allows better recognize the process of published works, learn to balance individual and collaborative work, jump-start their careers as researchers, and determine a future area of interest. Through experience to research as undergraduates, most of the students realize their desire for research and continue on to graduate studies and finally faculty positions.