This page provides a brief overview of the different research projects pursued by RANCS:
Active Research Projects
- Security of Safety-Critical Cyber Physical Systems, (Funded by Florida Center for Cybersecurity)
- Towards testing and verification of autonomous vehicles, (Funded by AMI)
- Control design for power converters, (Funded by FloridaPoly)
- Cyberattack on Brains’ Networked Control System
- Unmanned Aerial and Ground Vehicles
- Resilient Networked Control Systems
- Smart Sensory Skin (S3), (Funded by NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium)
Completed Projects
- “Toward Security of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, 2017-2018, (Funded by FlPoly Technology and Research).
- “Smart Sensory skin technology for health monitoring and comfort enhancement”, 2017-2018, (Funded by NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium).
- “Smart Health Data Analysis Platform”, 2015-2016. (Funded by: SAGAN Fund Grants).
- “Hybrid motor high powered rocket competition”, 2017-2018, (Funded by NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium).