Thanks to the National Science Foundation grant enabling Dr. Arman Sargolzaei’s research in the development of a Vehicle-in-the-Loop (ViL) facility for testing connected and autonomous […]
Initial Demonstration of Renewable Energy-Based Autonomous Golf Cart was successful
We just complemented our first test on our Renewable Energy-Based Autonomous Golf Cart and it was successful. Thanks to our student researchers for their hard work. […]
Renewable Autonomous Golf Cart
At Florida Poly’s AMI, we are collaborating with Dr. Reza Khalghani to convert one of our golf carts to a renewable autonomous golf cart (Please […]
A new grant from NSF towards testing and verification of connected autonomous vehicles
National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded us a $350,137 grant that enables the research and development of large-scale Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) simulation facility for Connected and […]
The simulated autonomous vehicles (AVs) involved in the crash database is released
We just released the first version of the simulated autonomous vehicles (AVs) involved in the crash database. Thanks to our undergraduate student researcher James Holland, […]
Invited talk by Dr Sargolzaei on Testing and Verification of Autonomous Vehicles
Dr. Sargolzaei presents the “Testing and Verification of Autonomous Vehicles” based on a framework which has been proposed by the Advanced Mobility Institute (AMI) at […]
Invited talk by Dr. Sargolzaei at CyberFlorida
Dr. Sargolzaei presented “Preventing, Detecting, and Responding to Attacks on Safety-Critical Cyberphysical Systems” project at Cyber Florida 2019 Research Symposium held at Marshall Student Center […]
Making Autonomous Vehicles More Secure, Many Attacks at a Time
“RANCS is using newly invented attacks to improve the security and resiliency of cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as autonomous vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and power […]
RANCS team is going to attend the Florida Aerospace Capital Forum for S3 project
RANCS team is going to attend the Florida Aerospace Capital Forum for S3 project. The event is on Nov 14 from 2-5.30pm at Guidewell innovation […]
Florida Poly to launch its first rocket
For the first time, a group of Florida Polytechnic University students will launch a rocket as part of a statewide competition sponsored by NASA’s Florida […]