Looking forward to meeting you at “Connected Infrastructure Systems Enabling Automated Vehicles in Smart Communities” breakout session on July 16, 2019 at AV symposium.
Breakout session detail:
Room: Crystal A/B When: Tuesday, July 16, 2019: 1:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Michael Brown, Southwest Research Institute
John Corbin, Federal Highway Administration
David Perlman, U.S. DOT Volpe Center
Jianming Ma, Texas Department of Transportation
Tom Caffrey, DRMP
Kris Milster, Traffic Tech Services
Yang Tao, City of Madison, WS
Eric Rensel, Gannet-Fleming
Peter Rafferty, Gannet-Fleming
Sampson Asare, Noblis
Maxime Redondin, Vedecom
Arman Sargolzaei, Florida Polytechnic University
Blaine Leonard, Utah Department of Transportation
Paul Carlson, Road Infrastructure Inc.
Pat Noyes, Pat Noyes & Associates
Siva Narla, Institute of Transportation Engineers
Michelle Maggiore, Cisco
Stephan Parker, Transportation Research Board
Session Description
This session will explore opportunities to and challenges of integrating automated vehicles (AVs) into the broader connected municipal infrastructure systems within a smart community or smart corridor. In addition to multimodal transportation infrastructure systems, the session will also focus on telecommunications network and energy-related infrastructure systems. The session will include both a broad discussion on how AVs can be integrated into a connected municipal infrastructure systems environment, and a deep dive into practical considerations for coordinating AVs with emergency response, emergency management, and public safety communications. The latter portion of the session will cover two complementary questions: How can public safety dispatch and communications services, first responders, and emergency managers (1) interact safely and effectively with AVs and (2) use AVs to improve the safety and efficiency of emergency response and emergency management scenarios?
- Define and explore both promising use cases as well as practical challenges associated with integrating AVs into the infrastructure systems and fabric of a smart city.
- Discuss practical needs and capabilities that emergency response, management, and dispatch organizations will need to effectively interact with AVs.
- Identify opportunities for AVs to improve the safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of emergency response and emergency management scenarios.
- Begin to define research needs to develop connected infrastructure systems for enabling and integrating automated vehicles.
1:30 PM – 1:45 PM Session Introduction and Overview (including introduction of scenarios for table breakout discussions later in the session)
1:45 PM – 2:15 PM Lightning Talks: What is the Smart Community Connected Infrastructure Ecosystem, and how can Automated Vehicles be integrated?
- Smart City Agency Perspectives
- Connected Transportation Infrastructure Perspectives
- Non-Transportation Infrastructure Systems Perspectives
- Public Safety Communications & Emergency Response Perspective
Speakers will include: Bernard Schmidt (Jacksonville Transportation Agency), Michelle Maggiore (Cisco), Yang Tao (City of Madison), Angelos Amditis (EU Project: “ICT Infrastructure for Connected and Automated Road Transport” (ICT4CART)), Charles Ramdatt (City of Orlando)
Moderator: Laurie Matkowski, Gannett Fleming
2:15 – 3:00 PM Interactive Group Exercise: What are the most critical automated vehicle-connected infrastructure system integration opportunities?
During this interactive session, participants will be asked to “pitch” their most compelling ideas for applications or services that integrated automated vehicles and connected municipal infrastructure systems.
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Break
3:30 PM – 4:10 PM Panel Discussion: How will Automated Vehicles affect and be integrated into Emergency Response, Emergency Management, and Public Safety Communications?
- Law Enforcement
- Fire & Rescue
- Emergency Medicine
- Emergency Management
- Towing & Recovery
Speakers will include: Dia Gainor (National Association of State EMS Officials), Jim Misener (Qualcomm), Derek Barrs (Florida Highway Patrol), Jeremy Dilmore (Florida Department of Transportation), Matt Smith (Michael Baker International)
Moderator: John Corbin, Federal Highway Administration
4:10 PM – 5:00 PM Facilitated Table Breakout Group Discussion: Emergency Response & Emergency Management Scenarios
During this second interactive exercise, participants will be asked to consider strategies, applications, and services that would support the integration fo automated vehicles into emergency response and emergency management scenarios.
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM Large Group Discussion on Research Needs
What are the most important things that we do NOT know about (1) how to advance connectivity between infrastructures systems and automated vehicles, and (2) how to incorporate emergency response and emergency management into connected and automated systems?